
DIS provides a Learning Support Program (LSP) as a part of our Students Support Services. LSP works in coordination with all teachers to enhance the academic and social emotional learning of our students. The program is designed based on a Multi-tiered Response to Intervention model (RTI). RTI is a preventive model of intervention. It’s three-tiered structure proactively addresses academic and behavioral deficits before they further develop. It also provides ongoing support within the regular classroom setting.

Learning Support Plan for Academic Support

Our Learning Support Team (LST) includes:
➢ The School Principal and Heads of Stages
➢ School Psychologists
➢ School Social Worker
➢ Class Teachers
➢ Learning Support Teachers
Roles and responsibilities of each member of LST are defined according to the student’s tier support level and the response to intervention. LSP works as a placement program for prospective students and as a referral program for the existing school students.

Inclusion, Equity of Access and Pull Out Strategies
Our Learning Support Program provides equitable and inclusive access to all students based on their individual needs as follows:
● At Tier 1 level, support is provided within the classroom environment. Class teachers, supported by LST, provides differentiated instruction.
● In order to implement this, LST works and plans together with teachers to differentiate the curriculum and provide the necessary support for students’ success.
● In individual circumstances, students may or may not be pulled out of the classroom to receive short-term one to one support or small group intervention (Tier 2), in order to ensure that every student has full access to the curriculum.
● Students with more specific learning disabilities are referred to LST for Tier 3 intensive intervention and support through devising an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) which is usually conducted out of their regular classroom setting.
● At Tier 2 and 3 levels, students can be returned back to the classroom once their instructional needs are met.
● The whole process is supported by continuous progress monitoring and data recording and collection to guarantee the proper placement of students.

Learning Support for Social Emotional Learning
DIS Learning Support Program addresses the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of our students. Similar to the RTI preventive model of academic support, the level of intervention matches the intensity and severity of the problem behavior. Our LSP in the social, emotional, and behavioral domain focuses service delivery within three levels of intervention as follows:
● Tier 1, includes universal interventions for all students in which around 80-90% of students will respond adequately.
● Tier 2 includes more targeted interventions for students who do not respond to universal interventions and are at-risk for severe problem behaviors.
● Tier 3 provides intensive, individualized support for students who display the most intense behaviors and are in need of more comprehensive services.

Learning Support Plan for Behavior and Social/Emotional Support

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