
1. Introduction
1.1. How to Use this Handbook
This handbook is intended to serve as a guide to the policies, procedures, and the daily operation of Dome International School. The handbook addresses all the crucial issues related to the teachers and Department Heads. It is extremely important to read and understand every word in this handbook in order to know your rights and responsibilities. Every staff member in DIS should abide by the rules and guidelines mentioned in this handbook. Every teacher should commit him/herself to achieve the school vision and mission.
We have taken great care to mention the most important details, however it is impossible to cover everything; any amendments and or addendums will be communicated to you.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your employment at DIS or about this handbook, please feel free to direct your inquiries to the HR Department.
After carefully reading this handbook, please sign the Teacher Handbook Acknowledgement (Appendix C). Submit the signed form to the HR Department.
1.2. School Vision and Objectives
We aim to spark intellectual curiosity and love of learning in a family orientated environment and through a personalized learning approach where students feel secure by being treated as unique individuals with different and unique potentials, needs and challenges.
At all stages of the educational journey, students learn from both their teachers and their peers. We strive to create a talented, yet diverse students’ community where children thrive in each other’s company and appreciate different perspectives.
Our Vision
We believe that a happy child is a successful one. Dome International school provides a safe, welcoming, and nurturing environment that promotes cognitive, social, emotional, and physical growth, as well as a positive self-image and a love of learning.
Our Mission
Our program is designed to provide students with meaningful and purposeful learning opportunities that focus on conceptual learning in order to move from learning about topics, to figuring out why and how things happen. This approach helps students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers through developing:
● The capacity to find, analyze, synthesize, and apply knowledge to novel situations.

The interpersonal skills that allow them to work with each other and engage effectively in cross-cultural contexts.
● The self-directional abilities that allow them to manage their own work and complex projects.
● The ability to competently find resources and use tools; and the capacity to communicate effectively in many ways.
1.3. Our Educational Philosophy
We adopt a “Whole Child” education model that is grounded in the latest theory on educational practice of the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD)*.
According to the Science of Learning and Development principles of practice; our program is designed to attune school environment, structures, and practices to students’ learning and developmental needs through:
Creating a supportive environment:
● A caring, culturally responsive learning community, where students are well-known and valued and can learn in physical and emotional safety.
● Structures that allow for continuity in relationships, consistency in practices, and predictability in routines that reduce anxiety and support engaged learning.
● Relational trust and respect between and among staff, students, and parents.
Developing productive and innovative instructional strategies:
● Meaningful work that builds on students’ prior knowledge and experiences and actively engages them in rich, engaging tasks that help them achieve conceptual understanding and transferable knowledge and skills.
● Inquiry as a major learning strategy, thoughtfully interwoven with explicit instruction and well-scaffolded opportunities to practice and apply learning.
● Well-designed collaborative learning opportunities that encourage students to question, explain, and elaborate their thoughts and co-construct solutions.
● Ongoing diagnostic assessments and opportunities to receive timely and helpful feedback, develop and exhibit competence, and revise work to improve.
● Opportunities to develop metacognitive skills through planning and management of complex tasks, self- and peer- assessment, and reflection on learning.
Providing social and emotional learning opportunities:
● Explicit instruction in social, emotional, and cognitive skills, such as intrapersonal awareness, interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, and good decision making.
● Infusion of opportunities to learn and use social-emotional skills, habits, mindsets throughout all aspects of the school’s work in and outside of the classroom.
● Educative and restorative approaches to classroom management and discipline, so that children learn responsibility for themselves and their community.

Designing students’ support systems:
● Access to integrated services (including physical and mental health and social service supports) that enable children’s healthy development.
● Extended learning opportunities that nurture positive relationships, support enrichment and mastery learning, and close achievement gaps.
● Multi-tiered systems of support to address learning barriers both in and out of the classroom based on a shared developmental framework uniting a capable and stable staff with families and support providers.

* Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2020). Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied Developmental Science, 24(2), 97-140.

DIS Learning Support Program
DIS provides a Learning Support Program (LSP) as a part of our Students Support Services. LSP works in coordination with all teachers to enhance the academic and social emotional learning of our students. The program is designed based on a Multi-tiered Response to Intervention model (RTI). RTI is a preventive model of intervention. It’s three-tiered structure proactively addresses academic and behavioral deficits before they further develop. It also provides ongoing support within the regular classroom setting.

Learning Support Plan for Academic Support
Our Learning Support Team (LST) includes:
 The School Principal and Heads of Stages
 School Psychologist
 School Social Worker
 Class Teachers
 Learning Support Teachers
Roles and responsibilities of each member of LST are defined according to the student’s tier support level and the response to intervention. LSP works as a placement program for prospective students and as a referral program for the existing school students.

Inclusion, Equity of Access and Pull Out Strategies
Our Learning Support Program provides equitable and inclusive access to all students based on their individual needs as follows:
 At Tier 1 level, support is provided within the classroom environment. Class teachers, supported by LST, provides differentiated instruction.
 In order to implement this, LST works and plans together with teachers to differentiate the curriculum and provide the necessary support for students’ success.
 In individual circumstances, students may or may not be pulled out of the classroom to receive short-term one to one support or small group intervention (Tier 2), in order to ensure that every student has full access to the curriculum.
 Students with more specific learning disabilities are referred to LST for Tier 3 intensive intervention and support through devising an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) which is usually conducted out of their regular classroom setting.
 At Tier 2 and 3 levels, students can be returned back to the classroom once their instructional needs are met.
 The whole process is supported by continuous progress monitoring and data recording and collection to guarantee the proper placement of students.
1.4. DIS Organizational Chart


2. School policies
2.1. Recruitment & Termination Policy
Recruitment Procedures
 Each faculty member is offered a contract stating responsibilities, duties, rights, benefits and expectations.
 The Teacher Handbook is an integral part of the contract.
 Contracts duration is 12 months (from July 1st to June 30 of the next year) and is renewed annually based on the mutual desire of the teacher and the school
 Offered benefits:
o Social Security Insurance is provided.
o Transportation is provided free of charge according to the regular school bus trips. For distant areas teachers are collected and dropped off at main gathering points.
o A free half day permission is granted for all full-time teachers twice a month except on revision and exams days
o Every teacher has 5 weeks paid summer vacation in addition to the official days off, Quarter Breaks, Christmas Break and Spring Break
o The school offers discounted fees for staff members’ children.
o Day care service is provided free of charge for staff members’ children who are younger than preschool age.
 Required Documentation:
o Upon signing the contract, applicant should provide the school with the documents needed and complete the employment packet.
o Please refer to the HR. Department for detailed list of the required documents. Note that the teacher’s salary is put on hold until all required documents are received.
 Staff Information:
o The staff member’s personal information should be accurate and updated.
o Please inform the HR department with a written application about any changes in address, phone number, legal issues or any other important information.
 Salaries:
o Salary information is a confidential matter and should not be disclosed.
o One-month salary is calculated from the 25th of previous month to the 26th of the salary month.
o Salary annual increase is determined based on the teacher evaluation. All teachers are notified with their evaluation and salary raise before the end of June of every year.

Termination Policy
 According to the school contract, both the teacher and the school have the right to terminate the contract before the end of its duration, provided that a two months’ notice is given by the party that wants to terminate the contract.
 If a teacher does not wish to renew his/her contract for another year, he/she should notify the school administration in April (two months before the end of the contract). Same rule applies to the school administration in case the school doesn’t wish to renew the teachers’ contract for another year.

2.2. Policy of Absenteeism
 Occasional absences are unavoidable. Proper planning will minimize its effect on the students and staff, so teachers are to report their absences as soon as possible so arrangements can be made.
 If you are unable to attend the school due to an emergency or for any valid reason you must notify your direct supervisor or the Stage Head the day before or at least before 7.30 am. on the day you will be absent
 For any absence, Teachers must coordinate with their HoDs or Subject Coordinator to have a substitute teacher with the proper material to teach.
 Permissions should be approved and signed by the HoD, the Stage Head and the School Director.
 Absence on exam days/ proctoring days will be counted as 3 days deduction.
 Absence on Sunday and/or Thursday and before vacations or after vacations will be counted as 2 days.
2.3. Retention Policy
DIS has developed several strategies to manage staff turnover and retain good teacher. Our retention efforts include but are not limited to:
 Providing ongoing on-service training through mentoring and coaching to support newly hired teachers through any challenges
 Providing professional development opportunities
 Enabling collaboration and peer support
 Recognizing distinguished performance through moral and financial incentives
 Empowering responsible and dedicated staff members by providing opportunities for career growth and promotion

2.4. Code of Ethics
The teaching profession has an expectation of high standards of ethical behavior from its members. This Code of Ethics provides a formal framework of ideals designed to guide and encourage all teachers to achieve these high standards of ethical behavior and professionalism in their dealings and relationships with students, families, colleagues, and the broader community.
Members of the teaching profession in DIS should be committed to the following values which underpin the profession: Integrity, Dignity, Responsibility, Respect, Justice and Care.
We demonstrate Integrity by:
 creating and maintaining appropriate professional relationships
 acting with impartiality, truthfulness and honesty
We demonstrate Dignity by:
 valuing diversity and treating students equitably and with care and compassion while respecting the uniqueness of family backgrounds
 valuing the effort and potential, and acknowledging the uniqueness, of each student
We demonstrate Responsibility by:
 giving priority to the education and welfare of all students in our care
 engaging in ongoing professional development and improving teaching and learning strategies
 working collaboratively and cooperatively with colleagues to the best interests of the education and welfare of our students
We demonstrate Respect by:
 acknowledging that relationships with students and their families must be based on mutual respect, trust and, where necessary, confidentiality and acknowledging the contribution these qualities make to students’ wellbeing and learning
 acting with educational colleagues and the wider community in ways which enhance the profession
We demonstrate Justice by:
 being fair and reasonable
 being committed to the wellbeing of individuals and the community and to the common good
 resolving competing claims of different ethical principles and different interest groups through reflective professional discussion
We demonstrate Care by:
 having empathy for and rapport with students, their families, our colleagues and the wider community
 committing to students’ wellbeing and learning through the practice of positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice

2.5. DIS Code of Conduct
Education is critical to the future of children. As teachers and education staff, you will play a primary role in helping to shape the future of students. Your position is one of influence and also one of great responsibility. Teachers are expected to respect DIS code of ethics and execute their duties accordingly, more than anybody else engaged in educational activities. Teachers should be role models to their students and other members of the community. Teachers and other education staff in this school shall have the following duties:
 Fulfil obligations on attendance, punctuality and lesson preparation. If absent or late for a given reason, you will immediately notify the principal or other designated person.
 Conscientiously prepare lessons, assess students’ work fairly and promptly and cooperate with other teachers and education personnel.
 Interact with students, colleagues, parents and community members in an appropriate manner.
 Rigorously avoid actions or gestures that violate human rights and could harm students, such as:
o Sexual harassment and sexual violence, including suggestive words, gestures or comments as well as physical and psychological abuse.
o Excessive and inappropriate disciplinary action, including the use or threat of corporal punishment and demeaning and abusive words or actions.
 Employ different participatory teaching techniques to make sure that the teaching approach also includes student-centred approaches.
 Properly use the educational facilities of the school and encourage students to do so.
 Attend and give constructive comments at meetings organized to discuss the teaching-learning process.
DIS has zero tolerance for any act of child abuse, exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse. Violence against children refers to a single act or a series of acts committed by school administrators, academic and non-academic personnel against a child which result in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or other abuses including threats of such acts, assault, coercion or harassment
Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action including suspension or termination of employment.
2.6. Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy
Anti-Harassment Policy
DIS is committed to providing all students with a safe and supportive school environment. Members of the school community are expected to treat each other with respect. Teachers and other staff members are expected to teach and to demonstrate by example that all members of the community are entitled to respect.

Harassment of a student by another student or by a teacher or other staff member is a violation of school policy. This includes (but is not limited to) harassment based on race, national origin, sex, religion, or disability.
Punishable harassment is any conduct – including verbal conduct – that:
 creates (or will certainly create) a hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical, emotional, or psychological well-being; or
 is threatening or intimidating.
Sexual harassment is a form of harassment that also violates school policy. Sexual harassment is an any kind of sexual advance or sexual conduct– including verbal conduct – that:
 is tied to a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or to a student’s physical, emotional or psychological well-being;
 creates (or will certainly create) a hostile environment by substantially interfering with a student’s educational benefits, opportunities, or performance, or with a student’s physical or psychological well-being; or
 is threatening or intimidating.
In response to any act of harassment, staff members should intervene immediately to stop the harassment and present an incident report to the School Psychologist, the Stage Head and the School Director for further investigation. Based on the investigation conducted, the harasser will be punished promptly, consistently, and proportionately to the seriousness of the act. However, the response should not end there; rather, staff members should deter future harassment with continuing lessons of tolerance and respect.
Non- Discrimination Policy
DIS is committed to equal opportunity for all students and all staff. It is the school policy that no one shall be treated differently, separately, or have any action directly affecting him or her taken on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, or disability where a person is otherwise qualified or could be with reasonable accommodation.
In response to any act of discrimination, staff members should intervene immediately to stop the discrimination and present an incident report to the School Psychologist, the Stage Head and the School Director for further investigation. Based on the investigation conducted, certain consequences and disciplinary actions will be applied to the person(s) involved in any act of discrimination in proportion to the harm caused as a result of this act.
The immediate remedy for any act of discrimination shall be to end it, treat the individual equally, and, as much as practically possible, to eradicate any effects of discrimination. Discipline should be imposed where appropriate.

2.7. DIS Health and Safety Policy
Since the beginning of COVID19 pandemic, the school has enforced a new health and safety protocol for regular campus sanitization and infection control. Although all the school staff has been vaccinated, this protocol remains effective until further notice. Kindly refer to DIS Health and Safety Protocol in Appendix C for more details.
2.8. Internet and Social Media Policy
DIS actively encourages the responsible use of social media. Responsible use of social media can be positive for learning and teaching. It can also be personally enjoyable and beneficial. This policy will make clear what standards are expected of anyone who works for the school and uses social media as well as what actions may be taken when it is considered a member of staff may have breached this policy. This policy applies to all staff use of social media, including: on behalf of the school; as part of their work directly with students, in their wider professional lives; and in their personal lives. We define social media to mean: ‘Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
When using social media at any time:
 Staff members must not place a child at risk of harm.
 Staff members must report all situations where any child is at potential risk
 Staff members must not allow their use of social media to affect their ability to do their job in any way
 Staff members must maintain the reputation of the school, its staff, students, parents, and their employer
 Staff members must not contribute or access any social media content which is illegal, discriminatory, sexual, or otherwise offensive when linked in any way to the school. This link could be, as examples, by identification with the school, during the working day, on school premises or when using school computers. Such behaviors may also result in criminal proceedings.
 Staff members must recognize that contributing or accessing any social media content which is illegal, discriminatory, sexual or otherwise offensive during personal use could lead to damage to their professional reputation or damage to the reputation of the school. This damage would breach the social media policy. And, again, such behaviors may also result in criminal proceedings.
 Staff must members not use social media to criticize, harass or insult their school, staff, students, parents, or their employers.
 Staff members should be aware that there are other, more appropriate, methods of raising valid concerns about their school and its staff.

 Staff members must not breach school confidentiality and shall not disclose any private or confidential school matters when using social media.
 Staff members are responsible for their actions (and its consequences) whenever they use social media.
 Staff members are responsible for all their social media content.
 Staff members must understand that social media offers no guarantee of privacy and that any content they produce can be shared more widely by others. A member of staff’s professional reputation or the reputation of the school could be damaged by content, perhaps which was intended to be private, being shared more widely than intended.
 Staff members would still be held responsible for any consequential breach of this policy as they were responsible for producing the original content.
 Staff members cannot rely on their ignorance or lack of knowledge to defend any breach of this policy.
 When using social media on behalf of the school staff members must not use it for any personal discussions or for any individual personal matters even if initiated by other members of the school community (for example: parents or students).
 Staff members must use appropriate behavior and language at all times. As a guide, this should be similar to that which would be used when taking part in a face-to-face meeting with other education professionals.
 The personal use of social media must neither interfere with a member of staff’s ability to maintain their professional reputation nor impact on the reputation of the school.
 Staff members must take all reasonable steps to ensure the proper separation of their professional and personal lives.
 Staff members must make sure that their personal social media activities take into account who they have social media relationships with – particularly any other members of school community – and moderate their social media behavior accordingly.
 The school reserves the right to monitor all staff internet use, including when staff are making personal use of social media, on any school systems or computers. Misuse of social media – even personal use – using school computers is a breach of the school’s policy.
Disciplinary action over Internet and social media use:
 All staff are required to adhere to this policy.
 Staff should note that any breaches of this policy may lead to disciplinary action. Serious breaches of this policy, for example incidents of bullying of colleagues or social media activity causing serious damage to the school, may constitute gross misconduct and lead to contract termination and criminal proceedings.
 Staff members must raise all doubts, questions and concerns related to social media with school leaders. Staff must seek advice if they are not sure if any particular use of social media (or a related action) is appropriate or would potentially breach this policy.

When using social media, you may have a concern about what you are seeing or being told by another user which has safeguarding implications or may cause harm to the reputation of the school and/or its community.
If you have any such concerns, you should discuss them with the HR Department or the School Director.
If any staff member becomes aware that a student (or group of students) or parent has made inappropriate/insulting/threatening comments about them, or other staff members, on a social networking site or App; he/she should report the incident to the Stage Head, or the School Director so that the appropriate process can be followed and support can be offered to the employee.
2.9. Mobile Phone Policy
Teachers are not allowed to use mobile phones during classes. Mobile phones should be turned off at all times during sessions.
Students who bring their mobile phones to school should hand in their phones to the class matron in the first session and receive them at the dismissal time. In case any student fails to do so, the mobile phone should be confiscated and handed to the Stage Head to contact the student’s parent.
2.10. No-Smoking Policy

Smoking anywhere by anyone on school property or at school activities is forbidden

2.11. Appearance and Dress Code
While there is no specific uniform for DIS staff and faculty; everyone is expected to dress up in a formal/semi-formal, professional and conservative manner. The following dress items are not allowed:
For female staff members:
 Low-cut shirts/tops and tight pants
 Slippers, flip-flops or crocs
 Toe and nose rings or piercing
 Crop tops, garments that contain cutouts or reveal under garments
 Eccentric color hair dyes
For male staff members:
 Low waist or tight pants and shorts, except knee-length shorts during activities and sports days
 Slippers and crocs
 Necklaces or chains
 A clean shaven or trimmed look for bearded male staff should be observed at all times.

2.12. Personal Business Policy

Dealings that result in personal financial gain are prohibited with DIS students, DIS parents, between staff members and on DIS campus grounds.

To avoid conflict of interest, suspicions, and embarrassing situations; Private tutoring to school students is totally prohibited

3. Teachers’ Responsibilities
3.1. Teacher’s Job Description
The teacher plans, organizes, and administers the learning processes, which contribute to each and every student’s optimal development – these experiences may occur within or outside the classroom. The areas of responsibilities include instruction, administration, extra-curricular activities and supervision and intervention/ enrichment programs.
Instruction, planning and professional duties:
Managing the teaching process AND :
 Developing course breakdown, weekly plans and daily lesson plans in accordance with the curriculum and guidelines of the school.
 Preparing assignments, revision material, projects, assessments, experiments, teaching aids, wall charts and decorations for their classrooms, etc.
 Using audio-visual aids, field trips, and other resources to supplement and reinforce teaching.
 Participating in curriculum review and selection process for course books, resources and instructional aids.
 Uploading all the prepared plans, material and resources to the school Google drives on regular basis. HoDs and Subject Coordinators are responsible for sending lesson plans to the school resources email by Saturday ahead of each week.
 Uploading the students material and weekly plans on LMS before the beginning of every week
 Keeping Records: grading sheets of student’s attendance, behavior, classroom participation, homework, test performances and scores are to be kept up to date using the school shared Google Sheets.

Students Follow-up
Students follow up should be conducted through the following:
1- Correction (Classwork and homework)
 Should be thorough and accurate
 Should be regular and up-to-date
 Should be used to assess students understanding; thereby, inform instruction
 Should involve constructive feedback to students and help them understand their mistakes and reflect on them.
2- Follow-up Journals
 The teacher should regularly take notes about each student and keep track of the progress or regression and the reasons that led to regression.
 The teacher should reflect on these notes and think of the suitable intervention strategy.
3- Homework Policy
 Missing or late homework should not be tolerated
 Following up on missing homework is conducted in different ways for each group of stages, please refer to your Stage Head for the detailed homework follow procedures.
 Marks should be deducted from the Homework marks in case of repeated negligence
 Teachers should assign a reasonable amount of homework. Please follow the homework schedule assigned by your Stage Head.
 Teachers of each grade level should coordinate homework assignments given to students so that there will not be a conflict or over-burdening of students with regards to homework assignments and quizzes on the same days.
 Homework should be explained to students in brief before it is sent home.
 Teachers should explain to students that failure to turn in assignments can affect the student’s GPA.
 Teachers should reinforce good work habits and may refuse to accept a completed homework assignment that is of poor quality.
4- Regular weekly quizzes
 A fixed weekly quizzes schedule should be sent to students to study ahead of time
 Quizzes should target the important learning objectives, skills and challenging parts for each week
 Quizzes marks should be recorded and analyzed to observe progress or regression in students’ level
 Parents should be regularly notified with the quizzes marks, please refer to your Stage Head for the quizzes marks reporting procedures as it is different for each group of stages.

 Students who score less than 70% in 2 consecutive quizzes should be considered as “Students at Risk” to be provided with support.
5- Summative assessment analysis (Quarter exams – MAP Tests)
 Under HoDs’ and Subject Coordinators’ supervision, Students’ assessments should be reviewed to pinpoint common mistakes and work on the challenging parts after the exam
 Students’ summative assessment grades should be analyzed and compared with previous assessments to monitor students’ growth and provide support or adjust instructional and curricular plans accordingly
 MAP tests statistical reports should be used to devise action plans for intervention and/or adjust instructional and curricular plans accordingly
 Intervention plans should be shared with parents during quarter meeting and through progress reports
Involving Parents
School – Parent communication is an essential factor in increasing students’ achievement. However, the following guidelines should be observed:
 Contact with parents should be conducted formally through the Stage Head office, teachers are not allowed to provide information to parents on personal terms, except for missing homework or missing quizzes messages through LMS messaging service
 Parent / teacher meeting should be in the presence of the HoD, Subject Coordinator or the Stage Head
Intervention Strategies
The following Intervention Strategies should be used well before each Quarter exam, targeting students who are at risk and those can be easily recognized right at the beginning of the Quarter through:
 Formative assessment data
 Poor participation in class
 Showing no or little interest in the subject and learning in general
 Homework negligence
 Low quizzes scores
So before they are actually categorized as weak students we can use the following intervention strategies to proactively improve their academic level
 During the daily sessions through:
o Differentiated Instruction and Differentiated Assessments*
o Flexible Grouping
o Tiered Assignments/ Scaffolding *

After the session:
o Weekly task sheets / Weekly review packs (can be used for the whole class)
o Extra practice sheets for the challenging parts
 Educating students about each subject studying skills and strategies
 Uploading videos and narrated Power point presentations on LMS for students’ revision
 One to one or small group sessions with the support teacher for one or two weeks followed by a special assessment to measure the improvement of students’ level.
Formative Assessment
 Formative assessment is a process that uses informal assessment strategies to gather information on student learning.
 Teachers determine what students understand and what they still need to learn to master a goal or outcome.
 Strategies used to gather formative assessment information take place during regular class instruction through the activities practiced.
 This information should be used to adjust instruction in the next sessions and set more focus on weak students and challenging parts of the syllabus. It should even be used to determine whether or not the teacher gives homework in a certain topic or postpone it.
 HoDs and Subject Coordinators should assist teachers in applying these strategies. This can be done through:
o Reviewing the lesson plans and assisting in the design and sequence of activities, making sure that assessments match and target lesson objectives.
o Conducting class observation to monitor the application of what is indicated in the lesson plans
o Providing mentorship and coaching to improve instruction
Awarding Students
 Students should be given regular praise and positive acknowledgement for good work, behavior, achievements, and improvement.
 Appropriate awards may be offered to students for academic or related progress or contests. They must be approved by the section related administrator before they are presented.
Classroom management
All teachers should:
 create safe, healthy, and welcoming classroom environment and around the school in general
 Set class rules at the beginning of the year and follow them consistently
 In case of bullying, conflicts and/or unacceptable misbehavior:
o Confrontations should be avoided, while managing the situation in a calm but firm manner.
o Students should be reminded by the school Discipline Policy without threatening them with punishment (Kindly refer to Discipline Policy section and follow the discipline actions indicated based on the majority of the misbehavior).

o In all cases, the Stage Head should be notified, and an Incident Report should be written and handed to the school psychologist or social worker on the same day.
Extra-curricular Activities
All teachers are required to participate in and supervise extra-curricular activities. Teachers should plan, organize, and supervise these activities which include: morning broadcast, school trips, open days, exhibitions, activity clubs, annual parties and other special events. Teachers are also required to provide daily morning, break and dismissal time supervision, as assigned by the administration.
Just as student attendance is essential for academic success, staff is expected to be consistent in attendance. You may use up to six days per academic year for matters which require absence during school hours. Otherwise, regular attendance is expected.
3.2. Grading Policy
The school grades students on a quarterly basis. Each quarter is graded out of 100 marks divided as follows:
For Kindergarten:
o Attendance: 10 Marks
o Behavior: 10 Marks
o Homework: 20 Marks
o Classwork: 20 Marks
o Curricular Activities: 20 Marks
o Quarter Assessment: 20 Marks
For Grades 1 to 12
o Attendance: 10 Marks
o Class Participation: 10 Marks
o Behavior: 10 Marks
o Homework: 10 Marks
o Weekly Quizzes: 20 Marks
o Quarter Project: 20 Marks
o Quarter Assessment: 20 Marks

3.3. Communication Guidelines
With the parents
 Teachers communicate with parents through the school LMS or the school WhatsApp groups
 Telephone calls between the teachers and the parents are totally prohibited during the school day except through the administration and only when a teacher is not in session.
 Marks and tests results should be disclosed to parents only through the school LMS or in the students Report Cards
 Parent/ Teacher meetings should be arranged only through the administration and not through personal contact between the parents and the teachers.
 While communicating with any parent, teachers are not allowed to disclose information about any students other than the children of this parent
 The school internal affairs are confidential and should not be discussed with the parents
With Colleagues
 Teachers are expected to maintain a friendly and collaborative atmosphere among each other
 Teachers are required to treat each other respectfully and courteously
 No chatting is allowed in the hallways or during classes. Discussions should be restricted to the staff rooms and only during breaks.
 Teachers are responsible for the tidiness and neatness of their staff rooms.
 Lesson preparation, correction, and other important work are performed in the staff rooms. Therefore, teachers are required to maintain a quiet and productive atmosphere in these rooms.
 Teachers are expected to cooperate among each other to perform daily tasks.
 Caution should be exercised when discussing personal information in the school

It is allowed to talk With others but it is not allowed to talk About others. Please respect the privacy of your colleagues.

With the students
 Teachers are expected to maintain a friendly and welcoming atmosphere in their classes
 It is imperative that each teacher maintain classroom control for the safety of all and to create an environment conducive to learning. Careful planning and rich, engaging activities are critical elements of classroom management.

 A good strategy is to post class rules that are reasonable, easy to enforce, and promote a positive classroom climate.
 Inflicting Physical punishment on any student is absolutely prohibited
 The student should be sent to the School Psychologist office in case the teacher is unable to handle his/her misbehavior. (Kindly refer to Discipline Policy section and follow the discipline actions indicated based on the majority of the misbehavior).
 Consistency in dealing with students is not always easy but is essential in effective teaching. Treat students in a consistent manner. If you say you are going to do something, follow through and do it. Students are keenly alert to any signs of inconsistency in treatment or discipline, so never favor a student over the other for any reason.
With the Administration
 Teachers are expected to maintain a friendly and respectful atmosphere with the administrative staff and their heads.
 For any issues, concerns, or problems, please follow the hierarchical order in the organizational chart when communicating with the administration. You should first refer to your Department Head for any matter and then if your concerns are not resolved you can discuss them with the Stage Head and then with the School Director.
 Please report any damages in the school property to the Stage Head for follow up with maintenance personnel.
 For IT supplies, PCs malfunction, Network and Internet issues or LMS issues please refer to the Technical Support Team for assistance.
4. School Day
4.1 School Day Procedures
 Teachers are expected to be at school around before the morning line (No later than 7:45 am.) to supervise students in the playground. Tardiness is not accepted except for those who take the bus.
 All the teachers should attend the line. First session teachers should be in line with their classes
 Teachers are required to ensure that all students abide by the school dress code and the face masks. Morning uniform inspection is a general duty for all teachers.
 Class teachers are responsible for reporting any damage in their classes to the Stage Head.
 At the end of your session, do not leave your class until another teacher takes over. If the next teacher is late, report to the stage matron to take over. Students should NEVER be left unsupervised.
 All the teachers should communicate with the students in English, except those who teach other languages (Arabic, French or Deutsch- they should only use the languages they teach) in addition to the Social Studies and Religion teachers who teach in Arabic.
 Teachers should remain in their classes during the 10 min. lunch break.

Teachers who have sessions before the break, should accompany their students down to the playground and those who have sessions after the break have to take them from the line back to their classes.
 Teachers are assigned Break supervision on a regular rotating basis throughout the year. During supervision, teachers should:
o Be always present in the in their assigned areas during the assigned periods
o Ensure students remain in assigned areas
o Ensure students are following playground regulations – littering, rough playing, improper language or any kind of violence are not permitted.
o Make sure students line up properly and walk quietly to their classes. Students should not be allowed to run on the stairs or through the hallways.
 Do not hesitate to enforce proper movement around the school with all the students even if they are not in your class.
 Eating, drinking and using the mobile phone should be restricted only to the staff rooms or the cafeteria. Teachers are not allowed to do these things inside the classrooms or in the hallways.
 Students should never enter the Library, the Science Lab, the Computer Lab, the Art Room or the Music Room unless supervised by the Librarian or the Class teacher or the subject teacher.
 Never leave your class during sessions except for an emergency. In case you have to leave the class, ask the stage matron to take over till you come back.
 Please be very punctual when correcting students’ copybooks and sheets
 It is not allowed to exchange your session with another teacher without permission from the Stage Head.
 Last session of the Day – all teachers should make sure that students put their chairs in their desks, pick up all books, stationaries and papers from the floor and leave the classroom neat and tidy.
 Every teacher in the last session should line up his/her class and go down with the students to the bus collection areas. Students who leave by car should be directed to move to their designated pickup areas.
 Teachers who are assigned for the dismissal duty should not leave the dismissal area before 2:30 pm. They should assist the security staff in the pickup process and make sure students who leave by car are:
o in their designated pickup area,
o wearing their face masks,
o waiting quietly and behaving properly
 The school day ends at 2:15 pm. All the buses should leave by 2:30 pm.
 Bus matrons are the main supervisors inside the school buses. Yet, teachers should administer discipline rules in the bus as needed and/or report any incident or action that opposes the school policies and bus rules. For example, teachers should report to the Stage Head it a matron allows students onto the school bus without a face mask.

4.2 Managing Students’ Behavior
DIS Discipline Policy
Our school objective is to help our students build up responsible, mature and positive personalities capable of socializing and sharing. We believe that good discipline is administered in a calm, consistent, and fair manner.
These behaviors are handled initially by the classroom teacher or supervising teacher but are referred to the Stage Head if they become chronic


These behaviors are immediately referred to the administration


NOTE: The school administration reserves the right of expediting the disciplinary process pending circumstances.

Discipline Policy Implementation Procedures
 In the cases of repeated minors as well as all the majors, the teacher should write an incident report and present it to the School Psychologist or the Social Worker
 The School Psychologist/Social Worker should report the incident to the Stage Head and consult with her for the best implementation of the DP
 Parents should be contacted through the Stage Head office or the School Psychologist/Social Worker to be informed with the disciplinary action taken. Further meetings and consultations with specialized therapists might be required from parents for challenging behavioral issues.
 Parents are informed with the DP in written in the parents/students’ handbook the at the beginning of the year
 The DP should be applied consistently with no exceptions
 It should be explained to students as one of the consequences of their actions

 Students should be reminded with the consequences of their actions but shouldn’t be threatened by the DP at any time.
 As teachers become more proficient in applying social emotional learning strategies; the discipline policy will gradually become unnecessary or used only in very limited cases.
The Role of the School Psychologist / Social Worker:
 Due to the very complicated nature of students’ problems and behavior issues, teachers need to seek assistance from the School Psychologist/Social Worker and keep her involved at all times.
 In case of students’ misbehavior, bullying or conflicts, the School Psychologist/Social Worker should ask the teacher(s) to write an incident report on the same day and report the issue to the Stage Head
 The School Psychologist/Social Worker will investigate the problem and take the appropriate measures according to the school DP and under the supervision of the school administration.
 The School Psychologist/Social Worker might need to conduct class observations and follow up with parents to make sure they are informed and involved in the behavior management process
 Teachers are expected be cooperative and supportive regarding the measures and procedures taken with certain students which may include; adapting special instructional strategies to deal with certain learning difficulties, meeting parents regularly or following a child psychiatrist recommendation report.
Parents Involvement:
 Parents need to be fully and regularly informed with their child misbehavior. Note that they already know what happens in school in details; through social networks.
 They should understand and expect that the school Discipline Policy will be applied in case of their child misbehavior with no exceptions.


4.3 Students Injuries Protocol
In case any student is injured whether it is an accident, or deliberate, the following protocol should be observed:
 Those who are present with the students at the injury time whether a teacher, a co teacher or a matron should immediately take the injured student to the clinic and report to the Head Stage who should report to the School Director.
 After the medical checkup in the clinic, the Stage Head or the School Director should contact the student’s parents to notify them about the incident
 The school doctor should clarify the medical situation to the parents over the phone and they can speak to their child over the phone to make sure he/she is fine
 A written note from the school clinic should be sent home with the student, explaining the medical checkup/procedures conducted and listing any needed medications

 If the doctor suspects any kind of bone injuries, the student should be taken to the hospital for further examination. The Stage Head or School Director should take the parents’ permission before taking the student to the hospital and a matron should accompany the student to the hospital.
 The Stage Head should investigate the incident to determine the reasons of the accident.

5. Teachers’ Evaluation
5.1 Setting Expectations: Charlotte Danielson Teaching Framework
 All teachers need to be fully aware of the main tasks and responsibilities of a teacher and how to fulfill these tasks. This will be achieved through a preliminary orientation that is conducted annually in August.
 Our teachers’ observation and evaluation tool is based on Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 2013).
 Danielson’s Framework identifies aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities that promote improved student learning. This framework is useful in laying out the various areas of competence in which professional teachers need to develop expertise.
 Danielson divides the complex activity of teaching into twenty-two components clustered into four domains of teaching responsibility:
o Planning and Preparation
o Classroom Environment
o Instruction
o Professional Responsibilities
 Through this training all teachers will not only get familiar with their tasks and responsibilities, but will also know how to perform them and assess their own work according to certain rubrics and performance indicators.
 Teachers’ evaluation process will be conducted based on this framework, this is why HoDs will also receive the same training to fully understand how to measure teachers’ performance levels using the observation, assessment and evaluation tools
 Check Appendix A for a brief description of Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching, its components, elements and performance indicator rubric.
5.2 Class Observation Tools & Strategies
 HoDs/Subject Coordinators should conduct at least one class observation biweekly for each teacher or as needed. Stage Heads and the School Director also conduct class observations with less frequency or as needed.

During Quarter One and Two, the main purpose of class observations should be coaching and support; it should be used for feedback and formative assessments not summative appraisals.
 In Quarter Three and Four, class observations will be used to assess the teachers’ performance in the four domains of Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching, towards a final appraisal based on which the teachers’ summative evaluation and annual increase is determined.
Class Observation Strategies
 Clinical Observation is divided into three phases:
o Pre-Observation Conference
o Class Observation
o Post-Observation Conference
 The main purpose of this model is to coach and support the teacher in the areas he or she recognizes as weakness points; this is why the observer should meet the teacher before the class visit to determine the observation focus.
 Areas of focus may include, but are not limited to: planning and preparation, classroom management, instruction, and assessment.
 Observation notes should be narrative, descriptive and non-judgmental.
 After the class visit, the observer should discuss the observation notes with the teacher (Post-Observation conference).
 During this meeting the teacher is asked to reflect on his/her practice by answering reflective questions. The observer should highlight points of strength for encouragement and support as well as assist the teacher in discovering the areas that need improvement and adjusting practices to improve performance in these areas.
 Post –Observation conference should result in an action plan (short or long term) that targets the teacher weakness area(s)
 This strategy should be used at least once with every teacher at the beginning of the year depending on their experience and competency levels. Novice teachers need more clinical observations to provide coaching and support in the four main domains of Danielson’s Framework
 Please refer to Appendix A for the templates used for Clinical Observation
5.3 Mentoring, Coaching and Support
 Practitioners have indicated that the best strategy for teachers follow-up, assessment and coaching is to conduct Clinical Observation, Reflection Cycles and Action Plans, followed by Informal Visits and multiple Walkthroughs
 This practice results in changing the stereotype of evaluative, inspective class observations, and builds a relationship of mutual trust and respect between the teacher and the observer (HoD/ Subject Coordinator/Stage Head/ School Director) who is providing mentoring, coaching and support.

Reflection Cycles and Action Plans
 During the Post-Observation conference, the teacher is asked to fill a Reflective Cycle Questionnaire, in which he/she indicates the weakness points and suggests an action plan for improvement.
 Action plans can be short or long term plans and can vary from adjusting classroom instruction in the next session, to receiving certain training during the coming vacation.
 This is called a reflective cycle because the HoD should follow-up on the realization of this plan and then invite the teacher to reflect on the steps taken and assess the effectiveness of these steps
Informal Visits and Walkthroughs
 In addition to Clinical Observation(s) , observers should conduct several informal, unscheduled class visits depending on teachers needs and experience.
 Informal visits and walkthroughs do not necessarily have a specific focus, rather they are meant for follow-up and mentoring as well as collecting data regarding students’ learning and participation
 After each informal visit, the observer should give instant feedback to the teacher and discuss ideas to improve instruction
 Observers should use the data collected to pinpoint the general problems and weaknesses in teaching and learning in a certain subject area, and devise a corrective action plan for the whole subject department accordingly
 This plan should also determine the individual and collective training needs of the department teachers
 Department weekly meetings should address the teachers collective coaching and training needs
 Based on the collected formative data, some meetings should be dedicated for certain subject based training to improve the quality of teaching and learning
5.4 Final Appraisal
 An effective system of teacher evaluation should accomplish two things:
o Ensuring quality teaching
o Promoting continuous professional learning among the teachers.
 Final teachers’ appraisal is based on Danielson Framework as it provides a rigorous, valid, reliable, and defensible evaluation system, with clear defined rubrics and performance indicators
 Teachers should be familiar with the evaluation form. HoDs should ask the teachers to use it for self-assessment by the end of Quarter Two, which will help them reflect on their practices and observe the improvement or regression of their performance levels.
 The evaluation process should be transparent, HoDs/Subject Coordinators should give feedback on the teacher self-evaluation by the end of Quarter Two to stand on the performance level and collaboratively reflect on the ways to improve their final summative evaluation by the end of the year

Appendix A
 Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching
 Framework for Teaching Rubric
 Classroom Observation Tool
 Teacher Summative Evaluation Form

Appendix B
 Internal Policies & Penalties
 Health and Safety Protocol
 DIS Calendar 2021-2022
 Teacher Handbook Acknowledgement Form

Teachers Handbook Acknowledgement Form


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